The Badlings will be an audiobook! Wheee!!!
Fantabulous news! The production of The Badlings as an audio book began in earnest, and I'm going to jump the gun and let you listen to the first chapter because it's amazing, amazingly narrated by amazing Erich Lane who resides in the amazing LA.
The link will lead you to the download from my Dropbox, let me know if you have any problems. The file is over 20Mb, and I don't know how to compress it to download it directly to my site.
Erich's speech inflections, his renditions, intimations, everything is blowing me out of the water. This book will be great, and it's amazing to listen to your own writing narrated, I tell you. I get goosebumps.
Now, the schedule. The audiobook is slated to be completed in September. How the process of putting it up for sale works, I have no idea. I imagine it's something rather simple, since I'm doing it via ACX, and that's Amazon, and that tells me it shouldn't take more than 24-48 hours to appear. We shall see. I will of course let you know.
Hey, that's not all!
Rosehead will be coming out as an audiobook too!
The timing on this one is fluid as Lugene's husband became very sick (Lugene Ganley is the actress who is narrating it) and she asked me if I wanted to switch to someone else, but I said I will wait because I loved her narration.
It's superb, isn't it? Perfect for Rosehead. Perfect. And! A few weeks ago she informed me that her husband is out of the hospital and is doing much better, and so she's back to producing it! I will let you know when this puppy will be done.
My Anechka visited for a couple weeks, as you have seen on Instagram and Twitter and everywhere (I was so happy to see her), and she made the two audiobook covers you see above.
As to brainstorming the TUBE cover...we have decided to wait. It's taking me sweet time to write it, probably another 4-5 months, and we'll be creating a whole brand for TUBE: Trans-Urban Blitz-Express, so it'll look real, with a logo and colors and everything. I'm excited. So excited!
Lets see, what other news? Some of you have suggested I send Rosehead to independent movie producers to see if anyone would be interested in bringing it to the screen. I haven't done this yet, but it's on my list. And one of you suggested I donate Rosehead and The Badlings to Children's Hospital. This is also on my list, once this draft of TUBE is done.
And huge thanks to those of you who support me on Patreon!
I post my daily writing there, and your money enables me to buy shipping materials and pay for revisions on Ingram and the like.
And big big big thanks to Royce. Last month I ran out of my ghostwriting money, and if you haven't decided to support me, I'd get no writing done. I'd have to quit writing and go look for a job. I love you, darling. Thank you. Millions of dollars will drop on my head soon, this is a promise.