Slow down
It’s tempting to rush yourself, to write faster.
Time is relative.
Think of it this way. You’re in it for the long run, right? Right.
What do you want your next 5 writing years to look like? What about 10? What about 20?
So what’s 10 days of slow, careful thinking against 10 years?
In fact, slowing down will speed you up. I know, it seems counterproductive and against all reason. But we’re condItioned by society to have a time-famine mindset. There is never enough time, for anything.
There is plenty of time, for EVERYTHING.
You’re in control of it, not anyone else. And your time is periods of short, productive sprints alternating with lazy, aimless thinking. That’s how we existed as communities before we took the wrong evolutionary turn about 10,000 years ago and settles and started growing crops. We used to hunt and gather. We used to work about a few hours a day, and the rest of the time…we rested. Played. Had fun.
Same with your writing. Let yourself have restful, aimless time by slowing down, and you’ll produce more and better writing, in the shorter period of time, than by forcing yourself to do the daily grind (hey, I’m an example myself, still recovering from it). Trust me, it works.