Ksenia Anske

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Commit to writing and do it

No slacking, no excuses, no bullshit.

Writing requires discipline—the discipline of sitting down, the discipline of producing words, the discipline of not quitting, of continuously learning, and of focusing on perfecting your craft.

Writing is a profession.

Can a surgeon just watch a few videos on surgery and then think, “Hey, that looks easy enough. I can do that!” Would you trust a surgeon like that to cut into your body? Nope. You’d run away screaming.

Then why do so many people think, “Hey, I’ve read a bunch of books. Looks easy enough. I can do that!” 

Writing well takes years and years of dedicated learning, reading, and practicing. Just like with a surgery, a book will be successful ONLY if the writer has done their homework. 

It’s foolish to expect to sit down and write a bestseller, without having years of practice behind your back, and it’s counterproductive to get upset over why your first book doesn’t sell well. 

Think of writing as a skill you’re learning. Yes, it’ll take years, just like any other skill.

The good news is, if you persevere, you’ll learn how to do it well.

So commit to writing and do it. There is no other way.

Illustration by Siiri Vaisanen