Ksenia Anske

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Steal phrases for later use

When reading books, copy whatever it is you think you can use later in your own writing.

This is not to say, COPY AND PASTE IT. No. That'd be plagiarizing. This is to say, COPY THE STRUCTURE. And correct translations.

As in, maybe it's a particularly saucy choice of expletives, and you can spin your own from being inspired by this one. Or the way a particular word was used.

Above is the picture of my own little file that I keep for writing T.U.B.E. I collect any mentions of anything Russian I can find, and it helps me a lot when writing.

For example, I was going to call "faux fur" faux fur (the collars of coats I'm describing) until I came across the phrase "artificial fur," and suddenly it made sense. It's the literal translation from Russian, "iskusstvenny mekh," and it's a better and a more accurate description.

THE "ALWAYS" P.S.: My Patreon patrons gets first dibs on these daily writing tips, so if you want early access (two months early) and access to our Discord chats, become my Hamsters at $1 per month, and voila! I'll eat you in borscht!