Learn the art of saying no
I've already reviewed the book Tribe of the Mentors by Tim Ferris in this post, and I urge you to pick it up and read it (it's a huge beast!). It's worth it.
While reading it today I came across interviewee Sarah Elizabeth Lewis (the book is a collection of interviews) who mentioned her Harvard colleague Robin Bernstein, who wrote this paper titled "The Art of No."
It'll take you 5 minutes.
It'll save you 5 years of writing time. Or more.
We tend to say yes to things that don't matter, and we often don't know how to say no. I know I don't. Am still learning. So anything I can get my hands on, any kind of advice, I gobble it up.
This article by far has been the best.
Because every "no" you say to things that distract you from your writing is a "yes" you say to your inner, creative child.
And that child is the one who got you in love with writing in the first place, right? Nurture that child. And say no to everything that takes you away from nurturing that child.
Because that child is YOU.