Applying the rule of the core word is really helping me make my writing stronger. The idea is that every sentence has one core word that turns it. In other words, every sentence is about something, and that something is signified with one word. The strongest sentence is the one where the core word is at the very end. This is the sentence that keeps us reading, holding us in suspense, until we find out what the sentence is really about. It can also be in the middle, but then the punch is much weaker. And if it's at the beginning, there is no punch to the sentence at all, but then it is also most poetic. So you're swinging from suspenseful to poetic in all your prose (which is your choice and which then determines what kind of book you're writing). And so here I was, writing an opening to a scene that signifies a potential of two characters having sex. And I'm not even introducing the characters yet.
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