It's kind of insane at the moment, with me prepping to leave America for Russia, and America prepping for its new president who could very well be Russia's puppet, and who doesn't deserve more than a few anonymous lines on my blog. Like all bullies he thrives on attention, and I have decided to give him none. The following four years I will focus on getting so good, no publisher will be able ignore me, and I'll either score a publishing deal or get on a best sellers list, or win a fantastic prize, which will get my stories out, and my stories are precisely about fighting the type of horror America is facing—the white supremacist patriarchy; the nasty, grimacing clown figure; the paunchy tit-squeezing pussy-pinching creep; the nightmare in pants with the fly wide open, swinging about his dick that has no balls to stand on, spraying saliva from his screaming mouth in the self-indulging adult-toddler tantrum.
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