I'm prepping my Scrivener template to start rewriting the summary for Janna, and the structure part of it (I'll explain later) looks so clean and clear, I thought I'd share it with you, to save you the headache of figuring it out on your own. I had to figure it out alone, and it took me forever (plus reading a ton of books on plotting, character development, style, and everything in between). When I started using Scrivener, I was searching for a template like that and couldn't find it. Some of you asked me to share it when it's complete. I shared the previous version in this post, but I'll share it again after it's done (email me if you want it), as this version will be even better and more universal in terms of its main elements. It no longer relies only on the Hero's Journey concept but rather encompasses everything that I've read, simplifying it down to the classic Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 idea (Act 2 is often broken in two in most contemporary novels, with the crisis being the breaking point, so it's Act 2a + Act 2b, or some people use the 4-Act structure, but it's all the same thing).
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