First, let me frighten you. Let me frighten you REAL GOOD.
What I'm about to tell you will sound like a lot of work. Let that sink in for a minute. A lot of work. Try 18-hour workdays with 6 hours of sleep. Now try 19-hour workdays with 5 hours of sleep. Crank it up to 20 and sleep only for 4 (my case at the moment). No weekends. No days off. Nada. (Don't piss your pants yet. This is not forever. Only in the beginning.)
This ain't a recipe to free bags of gold, what you're about to read. It's a guide and a restructuring of your conventional thinking as to what selling is and isn't (I'm talking to writers here, primarily). You can apply the below to selling anything, not just books: socks, vodka, couches, raw human hearts. It's a step-by-step explanation of how I raised my book sales (paperbacks sold off my lovely website here) from 1 a day, to 6 a day, to 10, to 14, to getting too overwhelmed with orders and running out of cash to replenish the stock, to keep up with 20 sales a day (I was forced to slow it down, so I could develop a system that will allow me to scale).
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