I'm struggling with finishing Draft 5 of TUBE. I've been writing it for over a year now, and new stories are crowding it out of my mind, but every day I get up and I know I have to finish it. It's an important story—for me and for you—and so it's important I do a good job. But man, how do I love procrastinating on it, and how hard it is to get myself in gear! Once I start, I forget my fears, and it's easy. Starting is the hard part. So I came up with four ways to trick myself into writing it every morning. I know I'm not alone. Lots of times you told me how you have to kick yourself in the ass, hard, to get yourself to work on that manuscript that you rewrote so many times, it makes you want to vomit. Well then, here is how I trick my brain into TUBE. See if you can steal some ideas for yourself, and share yours, and send bags of coffee (to my new PO Box, so it wouldn't feel empty and lonely!).
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