That is my armor. Imma red, bloody bird. Fear me! *cackles*
Well, actually, this whole crusade thing is not new but rather forgotten. I've gone full circle from firmly believing that to make money writing books you have to sell them (when I started writing five years ago, fresh from working on my start-up and surviving by selling my product to everyone left and right) to believing that well-written books will sell themselves (when about two years ago I retreated from selling into learning the writing craft) to finally believing again that no matter how well-written your book is, if you don't make an effort to sell it, it will linger in all its well-writtedness in obscurity. And yes, in two weeks, on May 15th, it'll be five years since I started writing full-time. And yes, I'll write a post on 25 things I learned from writing full-time for five years. But this is in two weeks. Right now I'm preoccupied with this realization that self-publishing is a lot like having a small business. What do you have to do to survive? Sell. What happens if you don't sell? You perish.
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