You guys often ask me how I did this or how I did that, and if there is a secret recipe to it all. "How did you get so many readers?" "How do you keep up with posting everywhere online?" "How do you get people to read (review, like, talk about) your books?" "How do you find the time to write and read and do everything else?" "How do you find motivation to keep moving forward?" "How did you get to be so successful (famous, known, respected)?" Which is total bull as I don't know what most people mean by BEING SUCCESSFUL, and in my world I'm not there yet, my writing still sucks ass. But anyway. To answer all these questions at once.
I don't have a clue. I don't get it. I scratch my head every day and ponder and get all confused and puzzled. What you think looks so pretty on the outside doesn't look pretty at all. Here is the daily reality I face, and the only thing I do know how to do is to ignore it all and simply keep writing.
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