...and no, you don't need to part with those gold bricks you stashed under your bed. You don't even need to break your piggy bank. All you need to do is decide which one of your organs you can let me harvest, your liver or your kidney...I'M KIDDING!
You don't need to do even that. I swear.
Here is how this works.
Thanks to a question from one of you beloved hamsters who watched my very first Facebook LIVE VIDEO on how I got from making $3.40 per hour to $300 per hour in 10 months as a full-time writer, I finally got motivated to write out the rates for my marketing/selling/brain-transplanting sessions on how to sell your art/books/mismatched socks and to make money (later I'll put these up here on my site, finally, together with your testimonials and pictures of you being quartered then skinned and boiled in a ginormous pot of borscht and...FOOLED YA!).
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