Fellow writer Barry Napier asked me this: "I follow you on Twitter and have been marveling at your influence on other writers. Being a bit influenced myself, your strategy and approach to writing has started to open my eyes. I am seriously considering unpublishing my work from Amazon and placing it on my site... it would become the exclusive place to purchase my work on a Name Your Price basis. My fears, of course, are how people will discover my work without the powerful aide of Amazon. And what about reviews? Things like that... I was wondering if you could perhaps provide some info to help erase these fears and how you are able to manage it all. Ultimately, my goal is to become a full-time writer of my own work. Amazon is SLOWLY getting me there and I have no idea if releasing straight from my site would help in this goal or completely derail it."
Let me start off with this. I do give away my ebooks for free on my site (I'd give away paperbacks too, if they didn't cost me money to print), I do provide people an option to pay for my books, now or later, however much they want, via a donation, BUT, I also have my books onAmazon and a gazillion other sites, like iBooks, Barnes&Noble (via Nook Press), Kobo, Wattpad,Goodreads, Scribd, ReadWave, etc.
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