Photo by Ana Luisa Pinto
Nanci asked: "How do you fight the temptation to reread and revise before finishing shitty first draft?"
Since I just finished writing the 1st draft of CORNERS and it was the first 1st draft of any of my novels which I actually didn't edit at all while I was writing it (I used to go back over what I wrote the day before to get myself into the mood, speed-editing), this seems like a very timely topic. Plus, NaNoWriMo is coming up. So yeah, how do you do it?
1. Write every day. And I mean, every bloody day.
This is something I did for the first time. I wrote through the weekends. You always hear writers telling you, "Write every day, write every day." You even heard it from me, too. Except on the weekends I would break from book writing and would write a blog post or two. Sometimes I wouldn't write anything for a whole day, because, you know, family. Gotta spend time together so they won't forget how my face looks. And it's only now that the truth of this statement hit me, what it really means. It means keeping the story fresh in your head.
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