I wonder if that's why romance writers write romance. I wonder if that's why most romance writers are women. And I wonder if it correlates with the fact that it's women's sexuality that's been suppressed out of fear by men for centuries, because if it were unleashed, it'd smite patriarchy like a bug. I wonder. I don't know if any of it is true but I do know it's true for me. Writing Janna is unlocking things I didn't know we're locked. I didn't know they were there.
I'll explain. By the way, if you're squeamish about things conventionally perceived as taboo and explicit, which I think is yet another shaming bullshit designed to control women, I suggest you read no further. If you're open to it, however, what follows might just be the ticket for you.
Get yourself comfortable, loosen your belt or your pants, or just plain read this naked. Ready? Here we go.
I get aroused by images of sexual violence.
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