Or outer. Or through-er. Wherever your child resides, remember to nurture it.
We’re all still children. And most of the time we conveniently forget about it and try living like adults, forgetting to enjoy life in the moment, to wonder, to stare at the clouds.
To simply be.
If you structure your life to death—and if you structure your writing to death—the child within you will rebel.
You’ll wonder why your creativity has dried up.
You’ll wonder why you’re blocked.
You’ll wonder what you need to learn and how else do you need to organize your writing to write better, faster, cleaner.
Forget about all these things.
Learn to be a child again.
Yes, use all you’ve learned about writing professionally (the 12 Acts Story Structure, the Scene Blocking, the Sentence Beats, etc.), but leave enough freedom for yourself to simply create.
In other words, build yourself a sandbox that gives you guidelines, but within that sandbox...
Nurture your inner child, and it will nurture you and your stories in turn.